Ion Foot Detox
Negative Ion
Health Healing Detoxing
Negative Ion Foot Detox
Symptoms or conditions
which may improve from an ionic foot bath:
Joint Pain, Arthritis
Chronic Fatigue
Foggy Brain, Poor Concentration
Poor Circulation
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Eczema, Psoriasis
Parasites , Candida
Hormonal Imbalance
Low Sex Drive
Weak Immune System
Cellular Acidosis (Ph is too high)
Nature Creates Ions
In nature, ions are generated in abundance wherever energy is transferred into the air. For example by ultra-violet light from the sun, by lightning and thunderstorms, by friction within wind and rain, the splitting of water into droplets by waterfalls and surf - and by natural radiation in rocks and soil.
Negative ions - refreshing
Places we find refreshing, such as in the mountains, near waterfalls and seashores have high concentrations of negative ions. It is no coincidence that this is where health resorts are traditionally situated.
But areas with high levels of positive ions often leave us feeling uncomfortable and irritable.
Positive ions - oppressive
Many people find the atmosphere just before a storm is 'heavy' and oppressive. This has been attributed to the high levels of positive ions that build up in the air, which are also believed to be the trigger of "storm-sensitivity" in asthmatics and many others.
Certainly, in laboratory conditions, similar symptoms could be triggered in subjects when they were exposed to abnormally high levels of positive ions.
A fierce storms which swept across the south east of the UK in 1994. In the hours before the storms arrived, hundreds of people had reported to hospital with severe asthma attacks. Was it due to positive ions?
Many studies suggest it could be!
Immediately after the storm the air feels clean and refreshed with negative ions.
The Sun is constantly ejecting streams of charged particles into space. (This is known as the solar wind). As these particles approach the Earth they are caught in its magnetic field and swept round to the North and South poles. Pouring into the atmosphere, they ionize its component gases in a spectacular display of glowing colours, called the Aurora.
As you can see
Our atmosphere is absolutely teeming with ions. Nature was making them even before life began. Indeed scientists believe that ionization, in the form of lightning, was probably instrumental in the formation of ammino acids - the essential components for the beginnings of life and nature’s way of keeping us healthy.
Ion Foot Detox Session
An ionic foot detox machine is a modern energy therapy device which balances the body's natural energy system. By introducing a high level of negative ions into the water of a foot bath, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body's natural detoxification processes to function at their peak. An ionic foot detox is the safest, most modern and effective natural healing therapy on the market today!
Potential Health Benefits
The body can also eliminate parasites, pinworms, and various colored mucous; even drawing massive amounts of nicotine from the tissue and joints of people that quit smoking several years ago. As your body is detoxified, cleansed, balanced and able to function at its fullest capacity once again, you will experience a sense of relief throughout the body, increased energy, and improved mental clarity.
Who should NOT use the machine?
• People with a Pacemaker or any other battery-operated or electrical implant.
• Women who are pregnant or nursing.
• People with transplanted organs. (Gallbladder or hysterectomies ok)
• Anyone who is on heart beat regulating medications or blood thinners.
• People with Type 1 Diabetes.
• People who suffer from epilepsy or hemophilia.
• People undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.
• People who have low blood sugar, should eat before using the footbath.
• Children under the age of 5 years old.
This Ion Foot Detox is not FDA approved and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We make no medical claims and makes no statements of validation. Always consult with your professional health care provider before beginning any health care regimen.
How Ion Foot Detox Works
The control box of the Ionic Foot Detox unit delivers an electrical current through the ionizer array that is placed into the water alongside the feet. (No, you don’t feel any current whatsoever!) The low-level direct current to the array causes the metals within the array in combination with water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating the oxygen and hydrogen components of water. This separating of oxygen and hydrogen components is a form of “dialysis."
The negatively charged ions are absorbed through our skin. They travel through the body and attach themselves to toxic substances with the opposite charge. Since most toxins in our body are positive in charge, (i.e. heavy metals ions), they will be conveniently neutralized so they can more easily be eliminated via our body’s natural eliminative channels. Most importantly, they have been neutralized and can no longer wreck havoc with our hormones, our nervous systems, our organs, and our tissues.
The change of color in the water happens with the feet inside the bath or even without the feet in the bath and it is mainly due to the Electrolysis that happens when electrical current flows. It is a result of a chemical reaction between the array (metal) , the salt (water) and the quality of the water.
However there is in most cases a noticeable difference when the procedure is done with feet in the saltwater bath which suggests that some matter is released from the body into the water which is only the beginning of the detox-process.
The majority of the detoxification is not during the foot bath but within the next 48hrs and it happens following the natural detoxification procedure within the human body involving liver, kidney, skin etc. The toxins are removed and flushed out the digestive track some have loose or odorous stool the days following the session
How often should one detox?
You can do a ion food detox every 3 days for 2-4 weeks or until you body is stable. If you are feeling well we recommend maintenance sessions of 1 time per week. Everyone is unique and each person will have to adjust to his or her own bodies needs.
Negative Ion Research
Numerous studies have established the effect of Negative Charged Ion environment on the human body. The negative charged environment has stimulated the body's own healing mechanism in the case of stress and specific physical problems.
• Increase blood flow with resultant increased oxygen-carrying capacity, both of which are basic to help the body healing itself;
• Changes in migration of calcium ions which can either bring calcium ions to heal a broken bone in half the usual time, or can help move calcium away from painful, arthritic joints;
• The pH balance (acid/alkaline) of various body fluids. (Often out of balance in conjunction with illness or abnormal conditions)
• Hormone production from the endocrine glands can be either increased or decreased by Negative Ion stimulation;
• Altering of enzyme activity and other bio-chemical processes.
British researchers at the Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences in Liverpool exposed male subjects to negative ions and measured physiological responses, including body temperature, heart rate and respiration, while at rest and during exercise. Negative ions were found to significantly improve all physiological states, particularly during rest. Most important was the finding that negative ions are "biologically active and that they do affect the body's circadian rhythmicity." (25)
Negative Charged Ions are Effective in Treating Cancer (Cited from High-Voltage Treatment published by Youth Publishing)
In 1950; Dr. Haskell applied Negatively Charged Ions to patients of Hypertension. Amazingly, Negative Ions were proven to have a positive effect in lowering one's blood pressure, while no beneficial effects were observed with Positive Ions. Negative Ions are also effective against influenza, asthma and especially bronchial disease. Another study done by the University of Frankfurt involved a "Cancer Team" in order to further study the physical effects of Negative Ions to cancer cells. Different types of cancer cells were transfused into the bodies of mice. In order to have a base of comparison, one group of mice was put into a negative ion environment each day while the other group remained untouched. As a result, the mice in the negative ion environment lived, on average, for 59 days, while the mice that were untreated lived no longer than 34 days. The mice from the experimental team lived 25 days longer; some even lived as long as 80 days! The experiment's result confirms the effectiveness of Negative Ions in treating cancer.
All information has been taken from different websites